sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

Lea Michele will be the new "Dorothy of Oz"

Lea Michele knows there's no place like home. The star of 24 years who works at Glee is lending his signature to the 3D animated musical "Dorothy of Oz," and wehave an exclusive look at his lovely drawn alter ego!


Based on the novel by Roger Stanton Baum - grandson of the author of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" called L. Frank Baum - "Dorothy of Oz" starts right where the classic story, with Dorothy returning to Kansas a deeply flawed (thanks to the damntornado)But she is not home for long before returning to be magically transported toOz, where things are not so good either. His friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion (formerly coward) have disappeared, and she must find them.

Lea is accompanied by a cast of stars, including Patrick Stewart as Tugg, HughDancy as Mallow Marshall, Martin Short as the Jester, Dan Aykroyd as a scarecrow, Kelsey Grammar as the Tin Man and Jim Belushi as a lion.

Produced by "Summertime Entertainment", Bonne Radford, Roland Carroll and RyanCarroll, "Dorothy of Oz" will be released in theaters in 2012.

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