sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

Ich bin Nummer Vier

Explosionen, eine Lovestory, Mystery und ein wenig Drama machen noch lange keine spannende Geschichte

Wo "Transformers"-Krawallmacher Michael Bay seine Finger mit im Spiel hat, kracht's gewaltig: Für die Verfilmung des Science-Fiction-Romans "Ich bin Nummer 4" (2011) tat er sich mit Regisseur D.J. Caruso ("Disturbia") zusammen. Bays Beteiligung als Produzent half der schwachen Story des Mystery-Streifens jedoch nicht: Zu absehbar und platt wurde die Handlung konstruiert. Das Sci-Fi-Actionspektakel erscheint nun auf DVD und Blu-ray Disc.
Egal ob Plasmakanone, Explosionen oder Bomben: Nummer Vier alias John (Alex Pettyfer) und Nummer Sechs (Teresa Palmer) bringt so schnell nichts um.
Egal ob Plasmakanone, Explosionen oder Bomben: Nummer Vier alias John (Alex Pettyfer) und Nummer Sechs (Teresa Palmer) bringt so schnell nichts um.
John (Alex Pettyfer) ist ein Außerirdischer, der sich auf der Erde vor außerirdischen Feinden versteckt. Warum genau die hinter ihm und seinen acht Leidensgenossen her sind, wird nicht schlüssig erklärt. Aber darüber soll nicht weiter nachgedacht werden. Genausowenig wie über die Tatsache, dass Johns Schule nur von wahnsinnig klischeehaften Gestalten besucht wird. Wie Sarah (Dianna Agron), die hübsche Außenseiterin, in die sich John verliebt.
Nachdem die Lovestory mit lächerlichen Floskeln und ohne jedes Knistern abgehandelt wurde, sind auch schon die Bösen vor Ort. Sie haben Raubfischzähne, große Kanonen und eine Vorliebe für lange schwarze Mäntel. Das Effektfeuerwerk kann beginnen.
Die Liebe wächst als allzu zartes Pflänzchen zwischen John (Alex Pettyfer) und Sarah (Dianna Agron).
Die Liebe wächst als allzu zartes Pflänzchen zwischen John (Alex Pettyfer) und Sarah (Dianna Agron).
In Sachen Special Effects ging Masse eindeutig vor Klasse. Der Showdown besteht aus vielen Szenen, die ohne jeder Dramaturgie aneinandergereiht wurden. So, als ob am Ende des Films noch Geld übrig war, das dringend zum Fenster hinausgeworfen werden musste.
Auf technischer Seite ist der Blu-ray Disc beinahe nichts anzulasten: Der satte Sound kommt mit voller Wucht aus den Boxen und bringt den Subwoofer an seine Grenzen. Gemessen an den zahlreichen Actionsequenzen ist es etwas ärgerlich, dass es kaum Surroundeffekte gibt. Die einzelnen Elemente des HD-Mixes wurden jedoch sauber aufeinander abgestimmt. Optisch brilliert die BD mit klaren Kontrasten und satten Farben. Das Bild ist knackig scharf und detailreich. Lediglich der Schwarzwert ist in dunklen Sequenzen zu undifferenziert. Der Bonusteil ist weder besonders umfangreich noch interessant.
Auch auf DVD erhältlich.
Ich bin Nummer Vier (Blu-Ray)(Original: I Am Number Four)
Science Fiction - Disney - USA 2011
Regie: D.J. Caruso - Veröffentlichung: 04.08.2011
Schauspieler:Alex Pettyfer, Dianna Agron, Teresa Palmer
Zusätzliche Informationen
Bildformat:1,85:1 (1080p24, AVC) / BD 50
Sprachen:Deutsch (HD HR 5.1), Englisch (HD MA 5.1), Französisch (HD HR 5.1)
Untertitel:Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Niederländisch, Schwedisch, Norwegisch, Dänisch, Finnisch, Isländisch
Extras:Zusätzliche Szenen; Nummer Sechs werden; Pannen vom Dreh
Laufzeit:109 Min.
Regionalcode:Regionalcode 2
Preis:ca. 17 Euro

Glee cheerleader Dianna Agron ditches her good girl image for sexy new shoot as she reveals gruelling tour schedule

She's usually seen in a cheerleader's outfit or cute summer dresses.

But Glee's Dianna Agron has ditched the girl next door image, striking raunchy poses that would make her schoolgirl character Quinn Fabray blush.
The 25-year-old can be seen in US fashion magazine Flaunt wearing a lace and sequinned Dolce & Gabbana bodysuit while clinging to a velvet curtain the same colour as her red lipstick.
Good girl gone bad: Dianna Agron looks worlds away from her Glee character Quinn in a silk and lace bodysuit by Dolce & Gabbana
Good girl gone bad: Dianna Agron looks worlds away from her Glee character Quinn in a silk and lace bodysuit by Dolce & Gabbana

Dianna, who recently split from her actor boyfriend Alex Pettyfer, said it had been hard work on the road during the Glee Live Tour around America and the UK over the past two months.
'It’s difficult work being part of something so widespread and global, for sure,' she said.
'The constant flights, the dizzying two shows-a-day schedule, the autographs, the interviews.
'But at the end of the day, when the reward is changing people’s perspective of what’s normal, and giving a voice to a part of America that still needs one, you almost never want to go to sleep.
'I’m the happiest that I’ve ever been. Ever. High school, middle school—I’ve loved every part of getting older and growing, but I definitely think that this is the most I’ve ever felt like myself and that I’m being treated like who I feel I am.'

She said most of the time fans recorded the show on their phones or took photos.
'I think it’s so hard, because people are so joyous in the moment, and want to be able to look back on it or share it with their friends, but you’ll see that more often than not, they’re watching the concert through the recording device.
'To me, that’s putting yourself back in front of the TV. You are part of it; you feel the energy. You’ll never see or feel that from a video, ever.'

Clean-cut: Dianna as cheerleader Quinn Fabray in Glee

Dianna, who appeared on People magazine's Most Beautiful list last year, recently celebrated her 25th birthday by cutting her blonde locks short.
She explained: 'It’s almost like putting on the glasses and all of a sudden you’re smarter.
'It’s a very interesting and lovely observation that I keep having of how people treat me now that my hair’s different.'
There has been no word on whether Dianna will return to William McKinley High after the third season, which premiers on September 20.
But she is certainly not short of work.
She recently starred in the big-budget I Am Number Four during which she started a relationship with co-star Pettyfer.
The couple split in February amid reports she was 'terrified' of him after a threatening phone call.
She has also written screenplays and sat in the director's seat for an indie music video.
She has had bit parts on CSI: New York and Heroes and since Glee, sat on Oprah’s couch and been a guest at the White House

Dianna Agron "I'm The Happiest I've Ever Been"

Dianna Agron "I'm The Happiest I've Ever Been"

Glee beauty Dianna Agron says she couldn't be happier with the way things have turned out for her.
The I Am Number 4 actress turned 25 earlier this year and she's enjoying getting older.
"I'm the happiest that I've ever been. Ever," she revealed in an interview with Flaunt magazine.
"High school, middle school - I've loved every part of getting older and growing, but I definitely think that this is the most I've ever felt like myself and that I'm being treated like who I feel I am."
Dianna also told the magazine that she sometimes wonders how her life would have changed if she'd made different decisions in the past. "If this was six years ago, what would I be doing in the exact same place or situation?," she explained.
"It's something that, when I write, it could be a situation or a person that is similar to something that I know, but I go in a completely different direction with it, based off of one small change."

Dianna Agron Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Ella Moss





The actress Dianna Agron talk about what was for her the Glee Live 2011:

Dianna tells us that the adrenaline on stage is the best experience he felt, the only thing that bothers him is that every show saw more cameras than faces of their fans and stilldoes not understand why not enjoy the moment and prefer to record live and then watch it on TV, that's what this series says.

Hear and feel the vibration of screaming, cheering fans, is an unforgettable experience ... if you have reason to worry about not understand why record, it is better to live, what good is a great actress and singer Diana  is the best

I agree completely with it, often dedicated to recording before seen live and seethrough your camera what is happening, take some emotion
Surely you must feel the adrenaline is amazing

Glee's Dianna Agron Chops Her Locks! Do You Like ?

Dianna Agron

Dianna Agron's bouncy blond locks are among her many fine features.
And now she's gone and chopped them off.
On her Tumblr blog, the gorgeous Glee gal posted a picture and video of the haircutting process—with a cameo from costar Jenna Ushkowitz—along with this caption: "Season 2 wrap. A remedy to the seven year itch. Finally!"
So how does she look?
MORE: Glee-Dux: A Prom Night We Won't Soon Forget! Plus Scoop on the Final Episodes
We have to say that we think she's pretty fab regardless of whether her hair is up, down or all over the cutting-room floor. And this new style has plenty of volume and frames her face just perfectly.
So put us down as liking it.
Hey, if you can't wash that man out of your hair, no one says you can't chop him out.

Diana Agron

Dianna Agron: I'm the Happiest That I've Ever Been

Dianna Agron: I'm the Happiest That I've Ever Been

Dianna Agron strikes a dramatic pose for Flaunt magazine’s latest issue.
Here’s what the 25-year-old Gleeactress had to share:
On the ways fans interact with theGlee live show: “I think it’s so hard, because people are so joyous in the moment, and want to be able to look back on it or share it with their friends, but you’ll see that more often than not, they’re watching the concert through the recording device. To me, that’s putting yourself back in front of the TV. You are part of it; you feel the energy. You’ll never see or feel that from a video, ever.”
On clearing her mind by daydreaming: “If this was six years ago, what would I be doing in the exact same place or situation? It’s something that, when I write, it could be a situation or a person that is similar to something that I know, but I go in a completely different direction with it, based off of one small change.”
On being happy with who she is: “I’m the happiest that I’ve ever been. Ever. High school, middle school—I’ve loved every part of getting older and growing, but I definitely think that this is the most I’ve ever felt like myself and that I’m being treated like who I feel I am.”

Lea Michele will be the new "Dorothy of Oz"

Lea Michele knows there's no place like home. The star of 24 years who works at Glee is lending his signature to the 3D animated musical "Dorothy of Oz," and wehave an exclusive look at his lovely drawn alter ego!


Based on the novel by Roger Stanton Baum - grandson of the author of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" called L. Frank Baum - "Dorothy of Oz" starts right where the classic story, with Dorothy returning to Kansas a deeply flawed (thanks to the damntornado)But she is not home for long before returning to be magically transported toOz, where things are not so good either. His friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion (formerly coward) have disappeared, and she must find them.

Lea is accompanied by a cast of stars, including Patrick Stewart as Tugg, HughDancy as Mallow Marshall, Martin Short as the Jester, Dan Aykroyd as a scarecrow, Kelsey Grammar as the Tin Man and Jim Belushi as a lion.

Produced by "Summertime Entertainment", Bonne Radford, Roland Carroll and RyanCarroll, "Dorothy of Oz" will be released in theaters in 2012.

"Amazing" Lea Michele training

"Increíble" Lea Michele de entrenamiento

Back in Hollywood after a relaxing break in Hawaii with her boyfriend Theo Stockman, Lea Michele was busy maintaining your personal health with a visit to the gym in LosAngeles on Tuesday (July 26).
Baby Rachel Berry showed his adorable smile as she toted a SmartWater in handwhile facilitating at the local gym looking for sporting a white shirt with black shortsArmour.
Twitter about your sweat session day of the week, Ms. Michele wrote: "I just had a workout at the gym!" Capturing the language poorly structured in your tweet, Leaquickly added: "Haha AWESOME meant training: !) "
Once wrapped in the gym, "Glee" star opted to take it easy in what was a free day, aspublished in the Post: "Spending the day with friends and enjoy this wonderful weather!Which everyone else doing today? ?:) "
Enjoy the pictures of Lea Michele in the gym in Los Angeles (July 26).

"Increíble" Lea Michele de entrenamiento

"Increíble" Lea Michele de entrenamiento

"Increíble" Lea Michele de entrenamiento

"Increíble" Lea Michele de entrenamiento

jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Show de "Glee" se presentaría en México. Con René Franco

El productor ejecutivo de la emisión, Brad Falchuk, dio a conocer que habrá más temporadas de "Glee" porque tiene grandes ganancias con el show en vivo y con la serie en televisión. Recientemente se hizo un reality para elegir a los nuevos personajes de la temporada número cuatro.

El productor ejecutivo de la emisión, Brad Falchuk, dio a conocer que habrá más temporadas de "Glee" porque tiene grandes ganancias con el show en vivo y con la serie en televisión.

El show que ha sido todo un éxito en Nueva York, Londres y varias partes del mundo. Asimismo se prevé llegue a México, se informó en el programa "La Taquilla".

Recientemente se hizo un reality para elegir a los nuevos personajes de la temporada número cuatro, ya que se supone se graduarán del High School y no pueden ser los mismos personajes.

Sin embargo, se habla de que Lea Michele, Cory Monteith y Chris Colfer no saldrán de "Glee" después de su graduación al final de la temporada tres.

martes, 26 de julio de 2011

“Funny Girl” Coming to Broadway, But Without Lea Michele

Lea Michele

Exclusive: The revival of “Funny Girl” is on its way to Broadway, but without “Glee” star Lea Michele.There was talk that Lea was going to star as Fanny Brice, the part made famous by Barbra Streisand in 1964. But color Lea Michele booked: she is under contract to “Glee,” and, according to sources, she’s staying on that show or connected to it despite recent reports. “Funny Girl” is slated for a mid January run in Los Angeles before heading to New York in the spring to make Tony Awards deadlines. Bartlett Sher is directing, and Chris Gatelli is choreographer. Bob Boyett is the producer.
“Funny Girl” is now searching for its Fanny and Nicky Arnstein. But rehearsals are set for November in New York. Lea Michele will still be filming the current season of “Glee.” A source quipped: “By the time she’s out of Glee, they’ll be ready for a revival of this revival.” Funny. How the story of three “Glee” principals being axed from the show got so out of hand is another story altogether. But it seems clear that Michele, Chris Colfer and Cory Montieth will wind up in a spin off show next fall, or graduated to adult status. “They’re not going anywhere,” says a source.
So who should play Fanny and Nicky in the Broadway revival? Any ideas? Anne Hathaway, call your agents!

martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Dianna Agron Y sebastian Stan

Dianna Agron fue pillada con su nuevo amor (+foto)

La actriz de Glee tenía la misma ropa que usó el día anterior porque se quedó en el apartamento de su pareja 

La rubia estrella de la famosa serie de televisión cada vez pone más calor al supuesto romance que mantiene con el actor Sebastian Stan de la serie Gossip Girl.

Dianna Agron, quien le da vida a Quinn en “Glee”, fue fotografiada saliendo del apartamento del joven en la ciudad de Los Angeles durante el pasado fin de semana.

La chica de 25 años de edad fue delatada por su vestimenta pues lució el mismo vestido azul con el que fue vista un día antes comprando en el mismo vecindario. Además usaba grandes lentes oscuros y el cabello un poco despeinado.

Dianna fue ligada a Sebastian luego de que el chico también perteneciente al elenco de la cinta “Capitán América”, fuese a visitarla en uno de los conciertos de “Glee”.

Una fuente declaró a la revista Life & Style que el chico llegó cerca de las tres de la tarde al espectáculo y esperó detrás del escenario por la rubia. Cuando esta llegó, ambos se mostraron muy afectuosos y abandonaron el recinto para unirse al resto del elenco del show.

Dianna Agron Does The Walk Of Shame With Sebastian Stan!


Well lookie, lookie here! Somebody had a SLEEPOVER!
Seksi tiiiimes!
Dianna Agron must have been anticipating carmegeddon this weekend in El Lay, as she was spotted leaving her new boyfriendSebastian Stan's apartment Saturday morning with a serious case of sex hair and wearing the same clothes she was photographed in the day before!
Check out a photo of the pair (above)!
That's right, gurl! Wear that walk of shame badge loud and proud!
We would, too, if we were waking up next to that HAWT gent!
Get it! Ha!

domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Dianna Agron ( Lady Di ).

Dianna Agron (pronounced /ˈeɪɡrɒn/; born April 30, 1986) is an American actress, singer, producer, director and screenwriter, best known for her portrayal of Quinn Fabray on the television series Glee.

Dianna Agron
Dianna Agron en el estreno de la serie de televisión Glee, en Santa Monica, California (Estados Unidos).
Dianna Agron en el estreno de la serie de televisión Glee, en Santa Monica, California (Estados Unidos).
Nombre realDianna Elise Agron
Nacimiento30 de abril de 1986 (25 años)
Bandera de los Estados Unidos SavannahGeorgia(Estados Unidos)
Ocupaciónactrizcantantedirectora yguionista.
Años en activo2005-presente

Early life

Agron was born in Savannah, Georgia, the daughter of Mary (née Barnes) and Ronald S. Agron, a general manager of Hyatt hotels. She was raised in San Francisco and also lived in Texas for several years. Agron's father's family is originally from Russia, and their original surname, Agronsky, was altered by Ellis Island officials. Her father is Jewish and her mother converted to Judaism;Agron attended Hebrew school and had a bat mitzvah.Agron attended Burlingame High School in California.She has been dancing since the age of three, and began teaching dance as a teenager.

Dianna Agron

Agron on the Glee Hot Topic Tour, August 17, 2009
BornDianna Agron
April 30, 1986 (age 25)
Savannah, Georgia, U.S.
OccupationActress, singer
Years active2006–present


Agron has appeared on television shows such as SharkClose to HomeCSI: NYNumb3rs and a recurring role on Veronica Mars. She then appeared as Harper on a 13-episode series of short films called It's a Mall World, directed by Milo Ventimiglia, and airing on MTV, and then on the second season ofHeroes as Debbie Marshall, the head cheerleader/captain of the cheer squad at Costa Verde High School, also with Ventimiglia. Dianna has also hosted a mini Music Festival for 826LA in Los Angeles called Chickens in Love.
She was among many young Hollywood stars selected to be in Wal-Mart's Ocean Pacific spring 2010 marketing campaign. The national campaign debuted in fashion, lifestyle and entertainment magazines such as ElleTeen VogueSeventeen and Cosmopolitan, outdoor and online at the official Ocean Pacific website. In addition, the celebrities hosted an Ocean Pacific party in Los Angeles in late April and made personal appearances on behalf of the brand.
Agron's most notable role to date is as Quinn Fabray, a high school cheerleader, on the Fox series Glee, which has received high ratings and critical acclaim, including a Screen Actors Guild cast award in 2009 and two Golden Globes for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy, since the series began in May 2009.
In 2010, Agron directed the music video for "Body" by Thao with the Get Down Stay Down.
In 2010, Agron played the small role of Natalie, girlfriend to main character Ali's love interest Jack, in the movie Burlesque alongside Christina AguileraCher, and Stanley Tucci.
Agron was chosen by People to be part of their Most Beautiful 2010. She also came 8th in the 2011 Afterellen.com "Hot 100" list.
Agron appeared alongside Alex Pettyfer and Timothy Olyphant in the 2011 science-fiction action thriller I Am Number Four, directed by D. J. Caruso.
Dianna Agron in NYC in 2011

Personal life

Agron is a vegetarian and a supporter of PETA,and has a role in Bold Native, a 2010 film that explores the issues of animal liberation and animal rights.


2007Skid MarksMegan
2009Fuchsia ElephantCharlotte HillAlso produced, directed and wrote the screenplay.
2009Dinner with RaphaelDianna
2009Celebrities AnonymousSadie
2010Bold NativeSamanthaPost-production
2010The RomanticsMinnow
2010The HuntersAlice
2011I Am Number FourSarah Hart
2006CSI: NYJessica GunnEpisode: "Murder Sings the Blues"
2006Drake & JoshLexiEpisode: "The Great Doheney" (Drake's Date)
2006SharkGia MellonEpisode: "Love Circle"
2006Veronica MarsJenny Budosh3 episodes
2007HeroesDebbie Marshall4 episodes
2007It's a Mall WorldHarper13 episodes
2008Numb3rsKelly RandEpisode: "Jack of All Trades"
GleeQuinn FabrayMain Character
Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series
Teen Choice Award Breakout Star Female-Nominated


Agron at the Glee premiere party, May 11, 2009